for Teaching Students
Down Syndrome
1) Have high expectations for the
student. Be enthusiastic and encouraging.
2) When
planning a student's instructional program, be guided by the student's
individual ability and needs, and not the label of Down syndrome.
3) If the
student is highly distractible, seat the student away from windows and doors to
minimize distractions in the environment.
4) Small
group instruction may be more beneficial to the student than whole class
instruction. Try to also set aside some time for one-on-one instruction.
5) Model
the task and give the student many opportunities to perform it. Break down
tasks into smaller sequenced steps.
6) Ask the
student to repeat or rephrase instructions. Ask the student specific
step-by-step question to make sure the student has understood the instructions
7) Set
aside time for frequent review and practice of tasks.
8) Allow
the student adequate response time.
9) Provide
consistent positive reinforcement immediately after the student produces a
correct response.
10) If the
student makes a mistake, do not say "that’s wrong." Ask the student
to try again, or provide the correct response and require the student to repeat
the correct response immediately. Immediate corrective feedback is more
effective than delayed.
11) Give
clear signals about the end of one activity and the beginning of the next. Use
picture cues or audio cues with young children. For example, use picture
symbols representing activities or sing a certain song before a specific
12) Present
only a few stimuli or objects at a time. For example, if you are using
worksheets, create worksheets that to not have too many pictures or sentences
with complicated wording. Highlight or print key words in bold.
13) Use
concrete objects/manipulative along with verbal explanations. For example,
while teaching counting use manipulatives that are alike in shape, size and
color, so that the student concentrates on counting, rather than being
distracted by shapes, etc.
14) Be flexible with attaining educational goals. For example,
if the student has difficulty writing with a pencil, teach the student to write
using a computer.
information was taken from the Down Syndrome- Aim High Resource Center
more information, visit the site:
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