Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Career Immersion Program Updates

1) The Career Immersion Program is all about the experience you gain, not the hours you gain. We are more concerned about what you are learning, not the amount of hours that are submitted on your log.

2) You can complete your hours anywhere that lets you gain experience when it comes to Special Education. We are not requiring that you complete the hours in a school!

3) We will provide opportunities and events so that you can gain hours and experience. Take advantage of them!
KDP Autism Seminar: November 8th, common hour, Sullivan Cafe 
Movie Night: November 19th, common hour, Pacini Room

4) We don’t want this to be difficult for you. If there is something you need to learn more about or something you are not getting from your CIP experience, please let us know. Communication is key!

5) Get involved with the blog: http://careerimmersion.blogspot.com/
 We created it to keep you informed. We have posted articles and volunteer opportunities to help you learn more. We would love to see your feedback and what you think of it.

Career Immersion Team

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