Friday, October 26, 2012

A Day in the Life of a Special Education Teacher

This video displays a school community based special education program at James Hubert Blake high school in Montgomery County, Maryland. A team of teachers, administrators and specialists come together each day to support and teach these students. This is a great learning experience and it won't take long to watch it! Notice the tactics the teacher uses around the classroom and throughout the school day to ensure that her students are learning as much as possible.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Career Immersion Program Updates

1) The Career Immersion Program is all about the experience you gain, not the hours you gain. We are more concerned about what you are learning, not the amount of hours that are submitted on your log.

2) You can complete your hours anywhere that lets you gain experience when it comes to Special Education. We are not requiring that you complete the hours in a school!

3) We will provide opportunities and events so that you can gain hours and experience. Take advantage of them!
KDP Autism Seminar: November 8th, common hour, Sullivan Cafe 
Movie Night: November 19th, common hour, Pacini Room

4) We don’t want this to be difficult for you. If there is something you need to learn more about or something you are not getting from your CIP experience, please let us know. Communication is key!

5) Get involved with the blog:
 We created it to keep you informed. We have posted articles and volunteer opportunities to help you learn more. We would love to see your feedback and what you think of it.

Career Immersion Team

Monday, October 22, 2012

City Schools Want to Hire Authority

Please take some time to read this short article that can be accessed from the link below! Just like the NY state testing, things are changing. This directly affects you as an educator. It’s important to be aware of the changes that are occurring.

Light It Up Blue

Light It Up Blue is a day full of events to raise awareness for autism by planning events to inform other students about autism, raise money, and interact with children that have autism. We are in need of students to join the team to help organize events for that day. This will take much preparation and we need your help. If you are interested in this opportunity, please email Dean Willis.  

Think of Autism When You Vote

With the upcoming election not far away, it is important to know where each president stands when it comes to education and children with disabilities. Check out this page and see the plans that Republicans and Democrats have for those with Autism and other disabilities.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Beneficial Special Education Field Trips

As teachers, we will all look for reasons to get out of the classroom and go on little trips.  Not only would we love it, but our students would love it as well. This article talks about simple, inexpensive trips you can take with kids with Asperger’s Syndrome, but these trips could also work for kids with other disabilities such as Autism or Down’s syndrome.   Not only would the kids have fun, but they will also be learning things such as manners and how to budget their money.  Some of these trips also get them to be physically active.  Below is the link to the article. 

New Service Opportunity!

Hello Students,

There is a place called SNACK in NYC, where you can volunteer with special needs children. No experience is needed.  Some of the volunteer activities include coaching a sports team, being an activities leader for music, art or yoga, or being a swim instructor.  For more information check out their website at 

If you are interested please send a letter explaining the reason why you’d like to volunteer with SNACK, what you are hoping to do during your volunteer hours, and your available hours to

This can count towards your Career Immersion hours!

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Movie Night!

On November 19th, The Career Immersion Coordinators are hosting a movie night!

Movie: Autism: The Musical
Location: Pacini Room (Sullivan G-Level)
Time: 1:50- 3:15 (Common Hour)

This story follows five LA children over the course of six months, director Tricia Regan captures the struggles and triumphs of their family lives and observes how this musical production gives these performers a comfort zone in which they can explore their creative sides.  This uplifting film reveals the human stories around autism.


Hello BSED/MSED and CEDS Students,

Welcome to the Career Immersion Program Blog!!

This blog was created to encourage you to research about special education and get more involved in the topic outside of the classrooms you are visiting. From time to time, we will be posting articles, videos, internet resources, and any upcoming events that we are having.

If you have anything you find interesting about the field of special education or anything you think would be helpful for others, please share it with us through this blog. We can learn a lot from each other.

Career Immersion Coordinators