Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Make Note of the Upcoming Events for Career Immersion

Career Immersion
Event Calendar

Date & Time
Movie Matinee (Emma’s Gifts)
Feb 7th
Common Hour (1:50PM-3:15PM)
Pacini Room
Polar Plunge
March 2nd
North Hempstead Beach
Movie Night (Monica and David)
March 11th
Pacini Room
Reflection #1
March 21st
Common Hour (1:50PM-3:15PM)
Pacini Room
IEP Workshop/Seminar w/ Bonny DiFalco
April 8th
Reflection #2
April 29th
Common Hour
Pacini Room

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Volunteers Needed for CIP!!

Hello Students,

First and foremost, The Career Immersion Coordinators would like to wish you a Happy New Year!

We understand that some of you had concerns about completing all of your hours. This semester, we are offering a convenient way to obtain hours that will count towards your log sheet!!

We are looking for anyone who is interested in volunteering as a coordinator for the Career Immersion Program.

Please contact us at career.immersion@gmail.com if you are interested. 

Career Immersion Coordinators